Search Tibetan singers

9 Apr 2010

Tibetan band Flowers concentrated Tibetan prayer MV in Tibet Xining

The members of combination Tseji Dolma 岗底斯组合成员才吉卓玛
The members of combination Chouji  岗底斯组合成员俄却吉
The members of combination Dolji 岗底斯组合成员斗合卓吉

Recently, the whole country are closely watching the progress of Southwestern drought, following the Qinghai Satellite TV production of "Flowers of the Blessing" MV public, the "2010  nine yang green flowers in China," positive response in Xining, organizations Local players shot Xining version of the "flower of the blessing" for two days, the new version of MV will the audience soon.日前,全国上下都密切关注着西南旱情的进展,继青海卫视制作了《花儿的祈福》公益MV后,“2010·九阳·绿色中国·花儿朵朵”西宁唱区也积极响应,组织西宁本地选手拍摄了西宁版的《花儿的祈福》,预计两日内,新版的MV就将与观众见面。
Tseje Lhamo

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